Monday, May 25, 2020

3 Disease that are chalking organisations

1. Arthritis : As organisations grow, they become clunky, cumbersome and bureaucratic. Large organisations know what to do but do not seems to be able to execute in time. Just like an arthritic person.

2. Coronary Hardening : 

Then : An employee could approach his leader to express a personal angst which the leader could assess to be genuine and find a solution.

Now : The request would arrive in an email along side recommendations of HR and line managers quoting SOP's regarding the employees's plea.

So, while organisations may be getting smart, they are losing heart.

3. Alzheimer's : The so called core values written on walls don't inspire. Employees's do not turn to knowledge Management systems when they are faced with moral dilemmas. Instead they seek wisdom from organisational folklore.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

मध्यम वर्ग की मजबूरी

#प्लीज थोड़ा सा टाइम निकाल कर इसे पढ़िए और आगे शेयर कीजिए।

#ऐसा_लग रहा है कि  देश में सिर्फ मजदूर ही रहते हैं....बाकी क्या काजू किशमिश बघार रहे हैं ?🙁

#अब मजदूरों का रोना- धोना बंद कर दीजिये ,मजदूर घर पहुंच गया तो ..उसके परिवार के पास मनरेगा का जाब कार्ड , राशन कार्ड होगा...🙁

#सरकार_मुफ्त में चावल व आटा दे रही है जनधन खाते होंगे तो मुफ्त में  2000 रु.  भी मिल गए होंगे,और आगे भी मिलते रहेंगे...🙁

#अब_जरा उसके बारे में सोचिये..जिसने लाखों रुपये का कर्ज लेकर प्राइवेट कालेज से इंजीनियरिंग  किया था ..और अभी कम्पनी में 5 से 8 हजार की नौकरी पाया था ( मजदूरों को मिलने वाली मजदूरी से भी कम ), लेकिन मजबूरीवश अप टू डेट की तरह रहता था...🙁

#जिसने अभी अभी नयी नयी वकालत शुरू की थी ..दो -चार साल तक वैसे भी कोई केस नहीं मिलता ! दो -चार साल के बाद ..चार पाच हजार रुपये महीना मिलना शुरू होता है , लेकिन मजबूरीवश वो भी अपनी गरीबी का प्रदर्शन नहीं कर पाता,और चार छ: साल के बाद.. जब थोड़ा कमाई बढ़ती है, दस पंद्रह हजार होती हैं तो भी..लोन वोन लेकर घर खरीदने की मजबूरी आ जाती है बड़ा आदमी दिखने की मजबूरी जो होती है।अब घर की किस्त भी तो भरना है ?🙁

#उसके बारे में भी सोचिये..जो सेल्स मैन , एरिया मैनेजर का तमगा लिये घूमता था। बंदे को भले ही आठ  हज़ार   रुपए महीना मिले, लेकिन कभी अपनी गरीबी का प्रदर्शन नहीं किया...🙁
#उनके बारे में भी सोचिये जो बीमा ऐजेंट , सेल्स एजेंट बना मुस्कुराते हुए घूमते थे। आप कार की एजेंसी पहुंचे नहीं कि कार के लोन दिलाने से ले कर कार की डिलीवरी दिलाने तक के लिये मुस्कुराते हुए , साफ सुथरे कपड़े में , आपके सामने हाजिर..🙁

#बदले में कोई कुछ हजार रुपये ! लेकिन अपनी गरीबी का रोना नहीं रोता है।आत्म सम्मान के साथ रहता है।
मैंने संघर्ष करते वकील , इंजीनियर , पत्रकार , ऐजेंट , सेल्समेन , छोटे- मंझोले दुकान वाले, क्लर्क , बाबू , स्कूली मास्टसाब, धोबी, सलून वाले, आदि देखे हैं ..अंदर भले ही चड़ढी- बनियान फटी हो,मगर  अपनी गरीबी का प्रदर्शन नहीं करते हैं...🙁

#और इनके पास न तो मुफ्त में चावल पाने वाला राशन कार्ड है , न ही जनधन का खाता , यहाँ तक कि गैस की सब्सिडी भी छोड़ चुके हैं ! ऊपर से मोटर साइकिल की किस्त , या घर की किस्त ब्याज सहित देना है...🙁

#बेटी- बेटा की एक माह की फीस बिना स्कूल भेजे ही इतनी देना है, जितने में दो लोगों का परिवार आराम से एक महीने खा सकता है , परंतु गरीबी का प्रदर्शन न करने की उसकी आदत ने उसे सरकारी स्कूल से लेकर सरकारी अस्पताल तक से दूर कर दिया है..🙁

#ऐसे ही टाईपिस्ट , स्टेनो , रिसेप्सनिस्ट ,ऑफिस बॉय जैसे लोगो का वर्ग है। अब ऐसा वर्ग क्या करे ?वो तो..फेसबुक पर बैठ कर अपना दर्द भी नहीं लिख सकता है गरीब आदमी नहीं दिखने की मजबूरी जो है...🙁

#ऐसा ही एक वर्ग मंदिर देवालयों में और गृहस्थों के घर जाकर पूजा पाठ कर अपनी आजीविका चलाने वाले ब्राह्मणों का है , मंदिरों में लाकडाऊन के चलते भक्तों की उपस्थिति भी नगण्य है , आरती में चढ़ावा ही नहीं मंदिर ट्रस्ट भी मानदेय नहीं के बराबर ही देते हैं... और दुनिया को वैभव का आशीर्वाद देने वाले के बच्चे सामान्य जीवन को तरसते हैं उनका दर्द किसी की दृष्टि में नहीं..🙁 

#तो मजदूर की त्रासदी का विषय मुकाम पा गया है..मजदूरो की पीड़ा का नाम देकर ही अपनी ही पीड़ा व्यक्त कर रहा है ?...🙁

#क्या पता है हकीकत आपको ? IAS , PSC का सपना लेकर रात- रात भर जाग कर पढ़ने वाला छात्र तो बहुत पहले ही  दिल्ली व इंदौर से पैदल निकल लिया था..अपनी पहचान छिपाते हुये ..मजदूरों के वेश में ? 
क्यूं वो अपनी गरीबी व मजबूरी की दुकान नहीं सजाता ! 
काश! कि देश का मध्यम वर्ग ऐसा कर पाता?...🙁

#असहमति का स्वागत है...🙁🍁🍁

#सरकार ने अपनी , कमाई के सब साधन खोल दिया है ,
1. दारू चालू ,
2. गुटका चालू ,
3. पेट्रोल पंप चालू (पूरी रेट पर)
4. RBI and  bank  ब्याज चालू ,
5.ऑनलाइन मार्केट चालू ,
6. डीडी नेशनल चालू ,
7. सभी विभाग के टैक्स चालू (भूमि कर , लाइसेंस फीस)
8. लाईट बिल चालू ...🙁

#गरीब के लिए सब फ्री जो कभी टैक्स नहीं देता
1. कारोना टेस्ट फ्री
2. राशन फ्री
3. दाल फ्री
4. मनरेगा चालू (नई दर के साथ)
5. गैस फ्री
6. बिना काम के मजदूरी चालू....🙁🍁

#मध्यम वर्ग सभी जगह दबता चल क्यों की तू पैदा ही ऐसे देश में हुआ है
1. सरकार को बिल का भुगतान कर
2. बच्चो की स्कूल फीस भर
3. सभी लाइसेंस फीस भर
4. दुकान, उद्योग पर कर्मचारी को बिना काम तंखा दे.
5. बिना दुकान खोले, किराया, लाईट बिल दे.
6. बैंक को पूरा ब्याज दे नहीं दिया तो अतिरिक्त भार झेल.
7. सरकार को दान दे.
8. आसपास के जरूरत मन्द को भोजन समान दे.
9. तेरी बचत पर ब्याज कम कर दिया है.
10. धंधा करना है तो सरकार के नियम की पालन  कर...🙁

#चालीस दिन सरकार के पास टैक्स नही आया तो सरकार वेतन नही दे पा रही और मिडिल क्लास मध्यमवर्ग के पास पेड़ लगा हुआ है जो टैक्स भी दे,किराया भी दे,सैलरी भी दे, स्कूल की फीस भी दे और अपने घर परिवार की भी पाले...🙁

#जिसको 👆🏼 मैसेज सही समझ में आये तो पूरे देश में पहुचाइये मिडिल क्लास मध्यमवर्ग को पहुंचाए...🙁
#असहमति का स्वागत है।

Friday, May 22, 2020

10 coisas que arruinaram seu metabolismo

10 coisas que arruinaram seu metabolismo

Metabolismo é o nome das reações químicas que acontecem nas células dos seres vivos responsáveis ​​por manter tudo funcionando. Você pode ajudar a aumentar o metabolismo do seu corpo para fazê-lo funcionar com mais eficiência. No entanto, existem alguns erros muito comuns que podem arruinar o metabolismo do seu corpo. Portanto, se você aprender sobre esses erros, poderá evitá-los facilmente e tornar seu metabolismo mais suave, além de perder gordura e manter o peso como um benefício adicional. Não se deixe à mercê do seu metabolismo, aprenda como tê-lo sob seu controle.

10. Não basta dormir

Estar constantemente privado de sono pode atrapalhar o metabolismo do seu corpo e não se surpreenda se você começar a ganhar alguns quilos. A falta de sono pode fazer com que você queime menos calorias do que costuma fazer com sua rotina normal, não tenha controle do apetite e sofra um aumento na gordura corporal.

9. Muita cafeína

Foi comprovado por estudos que tomar cafeína pela manhã pode aumentar seu metabolismo. No entanto, ingerir toneladas de cafeína ao longo do dia vai contra o seu metabolismo. Tomar cafeína o tempo todo o fará desconhecer sua fome e você ficará cheio o tempo todo até jantar, quando comer mais do que o necessário de uma só vez.

8. Comer alimentos não orgânicos

Ter alimentos não orgânicos na maioria das vezes aumenta o nível de hormônios em nosso corpo, o que dificulta o nosso corpo nos manter magros e energizados. Assim, nosso corpo não consegue equilibrar todos os hormônios para manter nosso metabolismo sem problemas. Mudar para alimentos orgânicos é a opção mais viável para evitar hormônios desagradáveis.

7. Ambiente Quente

A temperatura mais baixa ajuda nosso metabolismo a aumentar à medida que a gordura marrom se torna mais ativa na temperatura mais baixa para ajudar a nos manter aquecidos. Isso ocorre porque somos mamíferos endotérmicos e nosso corpo libera calor para nos manter aquecidos.

6. Dieta baixa em carboidratos

Carboidratos não são bons para o corpo se você estiver tentando observar seu peso. No entanto, boicotar completamente os carboidratos atrapalha seu sistema metabólico e faz com que você perca menos calorias ao se exercitar.

5. Beber água impura

Se você está constantemente bebendo água que contém flúor e cloreto, ela diminui o metabolismo. Esses dois produtos químicos interferem na função tireoidiana normal e você pode sentir se a tireóide estiver se arrastando. Mude para beber água filtrada, tanto quanto possível.

4. Medicamentos desnecessários

Se você estiver constantemente tomando medicamentos para diabetes, colesterol alto ou pressão alta, isso não é bom para o seu metabolismo. Isso reduzirá drasticamente a maneira como seu corpo armazena energia e é melhor consultar seu médico antes de tomar esse tipo de medicamento por muito tempo e também saber que tipo de dieta é apropriado se você estiver tomando esses medicamentos.

3. Proteína insuficiente

A proteína ajuda seu corpo a obter muita energia e nutrição de uma só vez, com menor probabilidade de ingerir alimentos menos energéticos. As proteínas ajudarão você a desenvolver músculos e fornecer muita energia. Você ganhará músculos sem inchar ou ganhar gordura da barriga.

2. Comer muito pouco

Se você não abastecer seu corpo adequadamente, seu metabolismo desacelera e seu corpo se apega ao combustível restante. Portanto, a melhor solução é comer corretamente e com mais frequência para manter o corpo abastecido, para que você não fique exausto quando estiver ativo.

1. Beber álcool

Tomar bebidas alcoólicas faz com que seu corpo queime menos gordura quando você está ativo e, seja qual for a gordura queimada, ela é queimada mais lentamente que o normal. O álcool é usado como combustível em nosso corpo e reduz a capacidade de queima de gordura em até 73%. Portanto, é melhor evitar o máximo possível de bebidas alcoólicas.

Além dessas 10 coisas que são responsáveis ​​por arruinar seu metabolismo, você também pode tentar evitar algumas outras coisas, como menos vitamina D, muitos doces, menos cálcio, pesticidas e toxinas dos alimentos, horários irregulares das refeições etc.

10 Things That Ruined Your Metabolism

10  Things That Ruined Your Metabolism

Metabolism is the name for the chemical reactions that happen in the cells of living things that are responsible for keeping everything running. You can help boost the metabolism of your body to make it work more efficiently. However, there are some very common mistakes that can ruin the metabolism of your body. So if you learn about these mistakes you can easily avoid them and make your metabolism smoother and also lose fat and maintain weight as an added benefit. Don’ let yourself be at the mercy of your metabolism, rather learn how to have it in your control.

10. Not Enough Sleep

Being constantly sleep deprived can mess up the metabolism of your body and don’t be surprised if you start to gain a few pounds. Lack of sleep can cause you to burn fewer calories than you usually do with your normal routine, lack appetite control, and experience an increase in body fat.

9. Too Much Caffeine

It has been proven by studies that having caffeine in the morning can boost up your metabolism. However, having tons of caffeine throughout the day will go against your metabolism. Having caffeine all the time will make you unaware of your hunger and you will fill full all the time until you have dinner when you eat more than necessary all at once.

8. Eating Non-Organic Food

Having non-organic food most of the time raises the level of hormones in our body, which makes it hard for our body to keep us lean, and energized. Thus, our body cannot balance out all the hormones to keep our metabolism run smoothly. Switching to organic food is the most viable option to avoid nasty hormones.

7. Warm Environment

Cooler temperature helps our metabolism to boost up as brown fat becomes more active in cooler temperature to help keep us warm. This is because we are endothermic mammals and our body releases heat to keep us warm.

6. Low Carb Diet

Carbohydrates are not good for the body if you are trying to watch your weight. However, boycotting carbohydrate completely will mess up your metabolic system and make you lose fewer calories when you exercise.

5. Drinking Impure Water

If you are constantly drinking water that contains fluoride and chloride it will slow down your metabolism. Both these chemicals interfere with normal thyroid function and you can feel it if your thyroid is dragging. Switch to drinking filtered water instead as much as possible.

4. Unnecessary Medicines

If you are constantly taking medicines for diabetes, high cholesterol or high blood pressure, it is not good for your metabolism. It will drastically reduce the way your body stores energy and it is better to consult your doctor before taking this kind of medication for too long and also get to know what kind of diet is appropriate if you are taking these medicines.

3. Not Enough Protein

Protein helps your body get lots of energy and nutrition at once that you are less likely to eat food that is less energetic. Proteins will help you to grow muscle and give you lots of energy. You will gain muscles without bloating or gaining belly fat.

2. Eating Too Little

If you don’t fuel your body properly, your metabolism will slow down and your body will cling to the remaining fuel. So the best solution is to eat properly and more often to keep your body fueled up so that you don’t get exhausted when you are active.

1. Drinking Alcohol

Having alcoholic drinks makes your body burn less fat when you are active and whatever fat is burned it is burned slower than usual. Alcohol is used as fuel in our body and it reduces the fat burning capability by up to 73%. So it is better to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages as much as possible.

Apart from these 10 things that are responsible for ruining your metabolism you can also try avoiding a few other things such as, less vitamin D, lots of sweets, less calcium, pesticides and toxins from foods, irregular meal timings, etc.

RBI further extends moratorium on loans by three months

The RBI governor held a press conference today that is on the 22nd of May 2020. The governor in the press conference announced that India's GDP is expected to remain in the negative territory for 2020-21. However, some pick up might be expected in the second half. Following major announcements were made by the RBI Governor:

1. The moratorium on loan repayments has been further extended by three months that is till August 2020. 

2. The Repo rates have reduced by 40 bps from 4.4% to 4% 

3. The reverse repo rate to be maintained at 3.35% 

4. The Export Credit Period has been extended to 15 months from 1 year 

Thursday, May 21, 2020

आयुर्वेद के अनुसार जलपान विधि

आयुर्वेद के अनुसार जलपान विधि

जलपान विधान जल का सेवन हमारे दिनचर्या का मुख्य अंग माना गया है। जल हमारे शरीर का लगभग 70% भाग है परंतु यह जल शरीर के तंतुओं में सूक्ष्म रूप में रहता है। हमारे शारीरिक गतिविधियों को बनाए रखने हेतु जलपान की प्रतिक्रिया अत्यंत आवश्यक है परंतु उससे भी अधिक आवश्यक है यह समझना कि इस प्रकार जल का पान किया जाए। आयुर्वेद शास्त्र में जलपान विधि का अत्यंत महत्व है। जल को गुण में गुरु, शीत व सर माना गया है| यह शरीरगत सभी तंतुओं को अपने स्थान पर बनाए रखता है तथा उनमें उपस्थित रसायनिक प्रतिक्रिया को भी निरंतर बनी रहती है।

बैठ कर जलपान करें
शास्त्रों में बैठ कर जलपान करने का विधान है क्योंकि जब खड़े होकर जलपान किया जाता है तब शारिरगत श्लेष्मा संधियगत जमा होना शुरू हो जाता है जिसके कारण भावी व्याधि जैसे आमगत ,अस्थि संधिगत शूल, अस्थि सुशिर्ता के लक्षण उत्पन्न हो सकते हैं।

अंतराल में जल सेवन
एक सांस में संपूर्ण जल का सेवन करना त्याज्य माना जाता है। जल को रुक – रुक कर थोड़े -थोड़े भाग में ग्रहण करना चाहिए। इसी प्रकार अन्न को भी छोटे-छोटे टुकड़ों में खाना चाहिए। शास्त्रों में तथा आयुर्वेद वैद्य द्वारा माना गया है कि जल का सेवन मानव प्रकृति- वात पित्त कफ पर बहुत प्रभाव डालती है तथा जलपान विधि प्रकृति के आधार पर करना चाहिए। वात प्रकृति वाले व्यक्ति को भोजन से 1 घंटा पूर्व जल सेवन करना चाहिए। इससे जठराग्नि प्रदीप्त होती है। पित्त प्रकृति वाले व्यक्ति को घुट- घुट कर भोजन के समय जलपान करना चाहिए जिससे भोजन के पाचन की प्रतिक्रिया तेज हो। कफ प्रकृति के व्यक्ति को भोजन के पूर्व जल पीना चाहिए। ऐसा करने से वह कम खाएंगे तथा यह वजन घटाने में सहायक है।
सामान्य तापमान क्या उष्ण जल का सेवन उत्तम है
बर्फ वाला या फ्रिज का ठंडा पानी त्याज्य माना गया है क्योंकि यह कोष्ठगत जठराग्नि को कम करने वाला होता है। इसके कारण रक्तसंवहन भली प्रकार से नहीं हो पाता तथा मलाबद्धता का भी यह कारण माना गया है। सामान्य तापमान या उष्ण जल पीने से पाचन शक्ति तीव्र तथा वजन कम होता है। इससे कोष्ठगत शूल का भी निवारण होता है तथा कोलेस्ट्रोल की भी संभावना कम होती है।
पानी तब पियें जब आपका शरीर माएंगे
सामान्यतः हम यह सुनते हैं कि दिन में सबको आठ गिलास जल पीना चाहिए परंतु इससे जल का परिमाण निर्धारण न करके यह समझना चाहिए कि हमें जल की मात्रा अत्यधिक रखते हुए जल तब पीना चाहिए जब हमारा शरीर लक्षित करे।

तांबे या चांदी के पात्र का जल उत्तम
ऐसा माना गया है कि तांबे व चांदी में रखा गया जल हमारे तीन दोषों का सामने करने में कारगर है तथा यह जल को चार्ज करता है। तांबे की कीटाणुनाशक व सर्वदोषहर गुण के कारण यह शरीर की रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता भी बढ़ाता है। चांदी का ठंडापन आंतों को भी शीतलता प्रदान कर पाचन शक्ति तीव्र करता है।
ग्रीष्म काल में जल
ग्रीष्म काल में पित्त अत्यधिक प्रकुपित रहता है तथा दोपहर के समय पित्त व उसकी ऊष्मा दिन के चरम स्तर पर रहने से शरीर में शीतलता का आधान करते हेतु जलपान अत्यधिक आवश्यक है। दोपहर के समय शीतलता बनाए रखने हेतु जल में पुदीना नींबू आदि द्रव्यों के साथ पीने से लाभ होता है।

Tuesday, May 19, 2020


No. 01/2020-Storage-ll Government of India

Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution

Department of Food and Public Distribution

(Storage-ll section) Krishi                 Bhawan, New Delhi

Dated the April, 2020


Applications are invited for filling up the post of Chairperson in the Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority (WDRA), set up by Government of India under the provisions of the Warehousing (Development and Regulation) Act, 2007. The vacancy circular with details regarding pay, eligibility criteria, age limit, tenure etc. and application proforma is placed on the website of this Department i.e. Applicants working in Government/PSUs/ Autonomous body etc. must send their application through proper channel along with Vigilance Clearance Certificate, Integrity Certificate, No Penalty Certificate for last ten years, certified copies of ACRs/APARs for last five years and self attested copies of supporting documents, so as to reach the undersigned (Room No. 165, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi) within 45 days from the date of publication in the Employment News. Applications complete in all respect can also be sent through e-mail within the aforesaid time-line. Applications received till 5 P.M. on the last date of receiving applications will only be accepted. The application form can be downloaded from the website of this Department or obtained from the office of the undersigned.

Person, who had applied for this post in response to vacancy circular published in the month of June, 2017 and December, 2017, need to apply afresh if interested.

Person, who had already applied for this post in response to vacancy circular published in the Employment News dated 22-28 February, 2020, need not to apply afresh.

(Nandita Gupta) Joint Secretary to the Government of India

EN 1/46                                                                                                  Tel.No.2338 4308


.No.1/2(2)2020-NCW(A) - Deputation

National Commission for Women

Plot No. 21, Jasola Institutional Area New Delhi-110025.

Sub : Filling up of vacant posts in the National Commission for Women by deputation on ‘Foreign service terms’ basis.

The National Commission for Women has notified the following vacant posts to be filled up on deputation on foreign service terms basis, on the website of the Commission.

Details of vacancies are as follows :




Name of the post


No. of posts


Sr. Research Officer

11 (Rs. 67,700-2,08,700/-)

01 (One)


Research Officer

08 (Rs. 47,600-1,51,100/-)

01 (One)


Assistant Law Officer

08 (Rs. 47,600-1,51,100/-)

01 (One)


Private Secretary

08 (Rs. 47,600-1,51,100/-)

06 (Six)

 Details of the eligibility criteria, proforma of the application and list of documents, to be attached may be downloaded from the website of NCW (

Applications may be sent to the Ms. Priti Kumar, Under Secretary, National Commission for Women, Plot No. 21 Jasola Institutional Area, New Delhi 110025. Last date for receiving application is 30 days from the date of publication in the  Employment News.

(Priti Kumar) Under Secretary 011-26944809


EN 1/31


No.F.12021/1/2020-O/o DIR(NWIC)-MOWR

Government of India

Ministry of Jal Shakti Department of Water Resources, RD & GR

National Water Informatics Centre


National Water Informatics Centre (NWIC) is a newly constituted subordinate office of the Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Ministry of Jal Shakti mandated to act as a repository of nation-wide water resources data and to provide a ‘single window’ source of updated data on water resources and allied themes.

2. Applications are invited from eligible candidates to fill the following posts (General Central Services, Group ‘A’, Gazetted, Non- Ministerial) in the National Water Informatics Centre (NWIC), on Deputation (Including Short-Term Contract) basis:




Name of Post

No. of Posts

Pay Level/Scale


Joint Director


Level – 12, Rs.78800–209200/-

of the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC.


Deputy Director


Level – 11, Rs. 67700–208700/-

of the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC.


Assistant Director


Level – 10 Rs.56100-177500/- of

the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC.


3.  The details like general conditions, eligibility criteria, proforma of application & other details are available on the website of Department of Water Resources, RD & GR i.e. under heading ‘vacancies’.

4.  Interested eligible officers/candidates may send their applications in the prescribed proforma along with attested copies of the APAR for the last five years, cadre clearance and vigilance clearance through proper channel to the undersigned within 60 days from the date of advertisement of this vacancy in the Employment


(Arun Kumar Gurung) Under Secretary (Administration), NWIC

EN 1/20  Tel: 29583203(O)



(Government of India: Ministry of Home Affairs) Hyderabad - 500 052

No. 15011/28/2017/Estt/A2                                                                                              Dated 16 April, 2020

Applications are invited from eligible individuals for filling up of one post of 'System Administrator' in Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy, Hyderabad - 500 052, purely on outsourcing basis for a period of one year or till the regular vacancy is filled up, whichever is earlier.

2 The maximum age of the applicant as on 01.04.2020 should not exceed 65 years. Pay/qualifications required and application form are available in Academy website http://www. The duly filled in applications, along with supporting documents including copies of educational qualification certificates and copy of Pension Payment Order issued by the government, should reach the Assistant Director (Estt), SVP National Police Academy, Hyderabad 500052, on or before 25.05.2020.

(S. Ajeetha Begum)

EN 1/21  Assistant Director (Estt.)


Sunday, May 17, 2020

COVID-19 impact: Amway India gears up to meet increased demand for immunity, nutrition products

The company, which is taking a look at its "portfolio in a big way" in India as part of planned global investments, is studying how to readjust the portfolio more towards immunity and nutrition here in the country.

With increased demand for immunity and nutrition products during the coronavirus lockdown, direct selling major Amway is gearing up for enhanced focus on the category and expecting up to 65 percent of its total business to come from it going forward, a top company official said.

The company, which is taking a look at its "portfolio in a big way" in India as part of planned global investments, is studying how to readjust the portfolio more towards 
 Predicting that this market will grow over a period of time, he said, "It will grow more than the market in beauty (category) in the mid-term at least. We do see a mix change in our portfolio where immunity and nutrition will move up to almost 60-65 percent of the total business as compared to almost 56 percent at present."

He further said,"We envisage that these categories will grow at a much faster pace because consumer is evolving and naturally inclined to migrate into those segment."

Reiterating the company's focus on the segment as part of planned global investments, Budhraja said, "We are looking at portfolio in a big way, how we can readjust our portfolio more towards immunity and nutrition. We are looking at multiple things around that."

Commenting on business resmuption after the lockdown, Budhraja said after being immediately impacted, operations of the company are scaling back gradually to achieve business continuity.

The company's plant in Tamil Nadu has already been producing immunity and nutrition products which were included in essential items category, although beauty and home durable products were impacted.

Out of 140 shops that Amway has in India, 90 percent are open and a similar percentage of warehouses have also started functioning following government guidelines. Offices are also back with 33 percent of employees, he added.

"We have achieved business continuity in 60 days. After 90 days we will try and see how fast we can come back. By July I do expect us to come back to at least 80-90 percent of where we were in pre-lockdown,"he said.

गट-ब्रेन कनेक्शन : जानिए आपका पेट कैसे करता है आपके मानसिक स्वास्थ्य को प्रभावित

  आप जो खाते हैं उसका सीधा असर आपके मानसिक स्वास्थ्य पर पड़ता है। जानकर आश्चर्य हुआ? इसके बारे में और जानने के लिए आगे पढ़ें। आज एक बहुत बड़...