Friday, May 22, 2020

10 Things That Ruined Your Metabolism

10  Things That Ruined Your Metabolism

Metabolism is the name for the chemical reactions that happen in the cells of living things that are responsible for keeping everything running. You can help boost the metabolism of your body to make it work more efficiently. However, there are some very common mistakes that can ruin the metabolism of your body. So if you learn about these mistakes you can easily avoid them and make your metabolism smoother and also lose fat and maintain weight as an added benefit. Don’ let yourself be at the mercy of your metabolism, rather learn how to have it in your control.

10. Not Enough Sleep

Being constantly sleep deprived can mess up the metabolism of your body and don’t be surprised if you start to gain a few pounds. Lack of sleep can cause you to burn fewer calories than you usually do with your normal routine, lack appetite control, and experience an increase in body fat.

9. Too Much Caffeine

It has been proven by studies that having caffeine in the morning can boost up your metabolism. However, having tons of caffeine throughout the day will go against your metabolism. Having caffeine all the time will make you unaware of your hunger and you will fill full all the time until you have dinner when you eat more than necessary all at once.

8. Eating Non-Organic Food

Having non-organic food most of the time raises the level of hormones in our body, which makes it hard for our body to keep us lean, and energized. Thus, our body cannot balance out all the hormones to keep our metabolism run smoothly. Switching to organic food is the most viable option to avoid nasty hormones.

7. Warm Environment

Cooler temperature helps our metabolism to boost up as brown fat becomes more active in cooler temperature to help keep us warm. This is because we are endothermic mammals and our body releases heat to keep us warm.

6. Low Carb Diet

Carbohydrates are not good for the body if you are trying to watch your weight. However, boycotting carbohydrate completely will mess up your metabolic system and make you lose fewer calories when you exercise.

5. Drinking Impure Water

If you are constantly drinking water that contains fluoride and chloride it will slow down your metabolism. Both these chemicals interfere with normal thyroid function and you can feel it if your thyroid is dragging. Switch to drinking filtered water instead as much as possible.

4. Unnecessary Medicines

If you are constantly taking medicines for diabetes, high cholesterol or high blood pressure, it is not good for your metabolism. It will drastically reduce the way your body stores energy and it is better to consult your doctor before taking this kind of medication for too long and also get to know what kind of diet is appropriate if you are taking these medicines.

3. Not Enough Protein

Protein helps your body get lots of energy and nutrition at once that you are less likely to eat food that is less energetic. Proteins will help you to grow muscle and give you lots of energy. You will gain muscles without bloating or gaining belly fat.

2. Eating Too Little

If you don’t fuel your body properly, your metabolism will slow down and your body will cling to the remaining fuel. So the best solution is to eat properly and more often to keep your body fueled up so that you don’t get exhausted when you are active.

1. Drinking Alcohol

Having alcoholic drinks makes your body burn less fat when you are active and whatever fat is burned it is burned slower than usual. Alcohol is used as fuel in our body and it reduces the fat burning capability by up to 73%. So it is better to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages as much as possible.

Apart from these 10 things that are responsible for ruining your metabolism you can also try avoiding a few other things such as, less vitamin D, lots of sweets, less calcium, pesticides and toxins from foods, irregular meal timings, etc.

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