Thursday, April 23, 2020

Nutrition talk

Long-term fear and anxiety raise your risk of heart disease, bowel disease, sleep disturbances, depression and immune system suppression. Strategies to reduce fear may include the use of Emotional Freedom Techniques, exercise, nutrition, sleep and limiting exposure to the news.
guys there's no shame in taking breaks during workouts or from workouts in general, remember we are not taking care of our bodies because we are depriving it of essential nutrition and food :( pls pls don't be hard on yourself and your body, it's okay to take breaks
Nutrition expert shared 5 superfoods, which are extremely beneficial for the senior citizens.
Start day with a handful of nuts, consume ragi to aid digestion,intake fresh fruits, have dal khichdi for dinner & a cup of haldi milk at bedtime for a good night's sleep.
Build the mind and body as you enjoy our mango flavor hibiscus ice tea. #healthandwellness#hibiscustea
Nutrition is an advancing field a lot of new stuffs everyday because of aggressive research. If you don't thread with caution you will be left behind even as a nutrition expert. We are trying to drag with quacks,keto diet enthusiasts, fitness trainers,etc.


  1. Interesting article I would like to learn more about Emotional Freedom Techniques please?

    1. I hope so. You will be feel better after getting proper nutrition.


गट-ब्रेन कनेक्शन : जानिए आपका पेट कैसे करता है आपके मानसिक स्वास्थ्य को प्रभावित

  आप जो खाते हैं उसका सीधा असर आपके मानसिक स्वास्थ्य पर पड़ता है। जानकर आश्चर्य हुआ? इसके बारे में और जानने के लिए आगे पढ़ें। आज एक बहुत बड़...