Friday, September 6, 2019

Suggested Nutrilite health supplements for various health issues.

Suggested Nutrilite health supplements for various health issues. 1. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE: 1. Protein Powder 2. Daily 3. Omega 3 4. Garlic 2. DIABETES 1. Protein Powder 2. Daily 3. Antioxidants – a) Natural- C (b) Parselenium- E 4. Natural B 3. OSTEOARTHRITIS 1. Gulocosomine HCL with Bosewellia 2. Daily 3. Cal Mag D 4. Omega 3 4. GOUTS / RA+/ URIC ACID 1. Garlic (Empty Stomach) – 2 Tabs 2. Parselenium E 3. Daily 4. Omega 3 5. Cal Mag 5. ALZEIHMERS / MOOD CHANGE / UNCONTINENCE / COMPLETE MEMORY LOSS /DISOREINTATION 1. Siberian Ginseng with Ginkobiloba 2. Protein Powder 3. Daily 4. Omega 3 6. CHRONIC FATIGUE / FIBROMYALGIA (LETHARGY, WEAKNESS, TIREDNESS, LOSS OF INTEREST, DEPRESSION) 1. Siberian Ginseng with Ginkobiloba 2. Protein Powder 3. Daily 7. OSTEOPOROSIS (BONE PAIN, BACKACHE, DISC PROBLEM) 1. Cal Mag 2. Bone Health with Ipriflavone 3. Protein Powder 4. Daily 5. Omega 3 8. PREGNANCY 1. Protein Powder 2. Daily 3. Cal Mag 4. Cherry Iron 5. Omega 3 9. HEART PROBLEMS (INCREASED LDL CHOLOSTROL/TRIGYLCERIDES) 1. Protein Powder 2. Daily 3. Omega 3 ( For Triglycerides) 4. Natural B 5. Garlic 6. Conc Fruit & Veg 7. CH Balance (For LDL) 10. CHILDREN LESS THAN 12 YRS (LOSS OF WEIGHT, TIREDNESS, POOR SCHOOLPERFORMANCE) 1. Berry Blast/Chocolate drink/Banana drink 2. Kids Chewable 11. ACIDITY / GASTRITIS / STOMOCH ULCERS 1. Protein Powder 2. Daily 3. Natural B 4. Natural C (2 Tabs empty stomach in morning) 5. Fiber (After heavy meal) 12. FLU / LUNG DISEASES / CHEST INFECTIONS / COLDS / SNEEZING / FEVER /BRONCHITIS / ASTHAMA 1. Protein Powder 2. Daily 3. Triple Guard Echinacea (14 days course) 4. Antioxidants (In case of acute problem) 5. Conc Fruit & Veg 13. PARKISONS / ALZHEIMER’S DEMENTIA 1. Protein Powder 2. Daily 3. Siberian Ginseng with Ginkobiloba 4. Omega 3 5. Conc Fruit & Veg 14. FOOT ULCER / TOE NAILS PROBLEM / FUNGAL INFECTION 1. Protein Powder 2. Daily 3. Natural B 15. PALE COLOUR OF SKIN / WEAKNESS / TIREDNESS / ANEMIC / LESSHOMOGLOBIN 1. Iron Folic 2. Natural B 3. Protein Powder 4. Daily 5. Siberian Ginseng with Ginkobiloba 16. PARALYSIS / STROKE / SPINAL INJURY 1. Siberian Ginseng with Ginkobiloba 2. Protein Powder 3. Daily 4. Omega 3 5. Antioxidants- a) Natural C b) Parselenium E 17. MIGRAINE / WEAKNESS OF LIMB / NERVOUS PROBLEMS 1. Siberian Ginseng with Ginkobiloba 2. Protein Powder 3. Daily 4. Conc Fruit & Veg 5. Natural B 18. THYROID (HYPO / HYPER) 1. Protein Powder 2. Daily 3. Antioxidants- a) Natural C b) Parselenium E 4. Natural B 5. CalMagD 19. LIVER DISORDRES / ALCHOLISM 1. Milk Thistle with Dandelion 2. Daily 3. Natural B 4. Natural C 5. Fiber 6. Protein Powder 20. MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS / DIZZINESS / DISABILITY 1. Siberian Ginseng with Ginkobiloba 2. Protein Powder 3. Daily 4. Antioxidants- a) Natural C b) Parselenium E 5. Omega 3 21. CRAMPS IN LEGS 1. Cal Mag D 2. Protein Powder 3. Daily 22. LACTATING WOMEN 1. Protein Powder 2. Daily 3. Cal Mag D 4. Omega 3 23. WATER WORK INFECTION / BURNING URINE 1. Protein Powder 2. Daily 3. Natural B 24. DERMATITIS / SKIN ULCER / ITCHING / SCALING / PSORASIS 1. Protein Powder 2. Daily 3. Parselenium E4. Triple Guard Echinacea (14 days course) 5. G & H Body Shampoo (Bath) 6. G & H Lotion (External application) 25. MENOPAUSE SYMPTOMS / HOT FLUSHES / OVARIES REMOVAL / POSTHYSTRECTOMY 1. Protein Powder 2. Daily 3. Cherry Iron 4. Omega 3 5. Siberean Ginseng with Ginkobiloba 26. CATARACTS / MACULAR DEGENERATION / RED EYES / EYE PAIN / TIREDNESSOF EYES / EYE SIGHT WEAK 1. Vision Health care with Lutein 2. Daily 3. Natural C 4. Conc Fruit & Veg 5. Parselenium E 6. Protein Powder 27. STUDENTS (ABOVE 12 YRS OF AGE) 1. Protein Powder 2. Daily 3. Siberian Ginseng with Ginkobiloba 4. Natural C 28. HAIR LOSS 1. Protein Powder 2. Daily 3. Satinque 2 in 1 (Hair Shampoo) 4. Satinque Hair Rejuvenating Masque 29. CANCER / CHEMOPREVENTION 1. Protein Powder 2. Daily 3. Natural B (based on severity) 4. Omega 3 5. Antioxidants- a) Natural C b) Parselenium E 6. Concentrated Fruits & Vegetables 30. SLEEP DISORDERS 1. Protein Powder 2. Daily 3. Natural B 31. PROSTATE (ENLARGED PROSTATE, PROSTATE INFECTIONS) 1. Protein Powder 2. Daily 3. Saw Palmetto with Nettle Root 32. CERVICAL 1. Protein Powder 2. Daily 3. Siberian Ginseng with Ginkobiloba 4. Cal Mag 5. Omega 3 33. OBESITY 1. Positrim 2. Fiber 34. LESS SPERM COUNT/MOTILITY/ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION 1. Siberean Ginseng with Ginkobilobo 2. Saw Palmetto with Nettle Root 35. FOR CHILDREN ABOVE 2 YRS 1. Kids Drink 2. Kids chewable (Calcium Magnesium/Iron/Multivitamin) – based on the deficiency and problem #nutrilite #nutritiontalkiv dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">

Siberian benifits

Siberian benifits 1. Can Help Fight The Physical Effects of Stress Ginseng is an herb that has been shown in some research studies to minimize the physical effects that stress can have on your body. 2. Stimulate Appetite One of the top Siberian ginseng benefits concerns appetite, because this herbal medicine is a natural appetite stimulant which will increase hunger and encourage eating. 3. Better Memory Siberian ginseng side effects include improved memory function, so that you remember more things. This benefit is very beneficial for older individuals who use this herbal medicine. 4. Improved Concentration Improved concentration is another one of the Siberian ginseng benefits, and many people who’ve taken this herbal say that it helps them to focus better instead of being easily distracted. 5. More Endurance and Stamina One of the top Korean red ginseng benefits is an increase in both stamina and endurance. Users have reported that they can no longer without having to stop during workouts when using ginseng. 6. Increased Immune Function Siberian ginseng benefits include an improved immune function. This herbal medicine helps to boost your immune system naturally, so that you can fight off invaders and pathogens without any drugs. 7. Effective Herpes Treatment One of the top benefits of Siberian ginseng is the treatment of herpes, but thisherbal medicine only works if you have type II for the and research has not shown any benefits for type I sufferers. 8. Herbal Medicine for Cold and Flu Because of the immune stimulating Siberian ginseng benefits this herbal medicinecan help shorten the duration of cold and flu, while minimizing symptoms and making them less severe. 9. Better Life Quality in The Elderly Population The elderly people understand the eleutherococcus senticosus benefits, and that is why this is a common supplement for older age groups. Some studies have shown that older individuals who take this herbal supplement tend to have better quality of life than those who do not.

गट-ब्रेन कनेक्शन : जानिए आपका पेट कैसे करता है आपके मानसिक स्वास्थ्य को प्रभावित

  आप जो खाते हैं उसका सीधा असर आपके मानसिक स्वास्थ्य पर पड़ता है। जानकर आश्चर्य हुआ? इसके बारे में और जानने के लिए आगे पढ़ें। आज एक बहुत बड़...